


Sunday 7 February 2016

Healthy Body Image for Women - No Photoshop Required

No matter your current size or shape you can have a healthy body image. After all, this is the body that gets you through your days. The wonderful side effect of a healthy body image is that it allows you to be realistic about your body and your health enabling you to choose the right path for you in terms of diet, exercise and even the right clothing choices.

Recognize Inner Beauty – You’re a good person, you love others and show it. You do things for people, you’re good at your job, and value your family. Anything you do that is a good thing, realize it, recognize it and celebrate it.

Accentuate Outer Beauty – Wear clothing that fits your body in colors that flatter your complexion. Well fitting clothing in the right colors will make you feel wonderful, and people will notice your glowing skin, eyes and smile.

Stop Comparing – Once you start comparing yourself to others you’re always going to be more critical of yourself and that is nothing but a downward spiral. Simply do not give yourself permission to do that anymore. It’s not fair to yourself, or others.

Accept Genetics – We all have a special genetic makeup. Some of us are shaped differently than others. We all want what the other person has whether it’s an hour-glass figure, or a sporty figure, or curly hair or green eyes. Accept your genetics and love them because they are yours. You wouldn’t be who you are without them.

Think Positive Thoughts – When a negative thought pops into your mind immediately turn it into a positive by changing the words. It will take practice to accomplish this, but eventually it’ll become second nature. It’s amazing what practicing positive thinking can do to your entire outlook on life.

Exercise & Eat Right – Having a healthy body image doesn’t give you permission to eat an entire big bag of chips or a box of cookies. No one, thin or not, should do that. The more healthy food you put into your body the more you’ll have a positive outlook on life because you’re giving your body the nutrients and minerals it needs for good health.

Show Gratitude – Being grateful and thankful for every good thing you have in your life is an important component of having a healthy body image. Start a journal, write at least three things each morning and evening that you’re thankful for to start and end your day in gratitude.

Smile – This may seem simplistic but smiling even when you’re not that happy will actually make you feel happy. Smile with your face and your eyes, and think of happy things while you’re doing it, and before you know it, you’ll feel as wonderful as you look.

Women really can develop a healthy self image if they focus on these steps.


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