Weather Reports and Chromakey Screens
The use of chromakey green screen backgrounds in news studios across the world make weather forecasts interesting to watch. Gone are the days when tired weather men rattled on about weather forecasts with only static visual aids. Today interesting graphics and classy 3D animation have changed the dynamics.
Moviemakers have used these screen backgrounds for decades to transform the wildest of their imaginations into reality with the help of computer graphics and special effects. More commonly today, TV stations use chromakey screens backgrounds for almost every news aired.
How TV News Use Green Screen Backgrounds
A weather reporter stands in front of a green screen and perform a piece of news that has previously been rehearsed. The weather person is briefed about movements and is shown the graphic clip, in order to tailor movements in accordance with the visual accompaniment.
With practice the weather person learns how to use the medium effectively. After the piece is recorded against a green background, the graphic clips are superimposed on the screen at the editing table. When you watch the news you will not know the difference. But it is technologies like these that make the television and film industry produce great work.
Other Use of Chromakey Screens
It is not just weather forecasts that use the benefit of these screens; various television chat shows, game shows and even entertainment shows often have their anchors shoot the entire show in front of a green screen. This may make the process of filming a little boring, but the end product is a visual treat for viewers.
When using chromakey technology, the coordination between all members of the cast and crew has to be impeccable and even a slight error can lead to delay in delivering the end product.
The technology has become so popular today and there are a number of packages available that can be used to redefine the shot in totality. Aqua backgrounds, exotic beach fronts, mountain tops and anything else you want can be arranged.
Using a green screen background can help in increasing eyeballs to a great extent, and they are widely used by television channels all across the world to build a good product. Green screens help when the production house is running on low budgets. As erecting a screen is not difficult and if one has access to a good stock of visual effects and graphics the show can be absolutely smashing.
The television industry has benefited from chromakey backgrounds tremendously and it can be said that it is the platform that provides room for all kinds of experimentation. As long as you have an idea in your head and you think creating a set is going to be difficult, just make it come alive with the help of a green screen background and spectacular visual effects.
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