


Monday, 29 February 2016

After Effects Logo Creation - Simplicity

Like many of our most successful creations, an effective logo begins with simplicity. If you review some of the most famous logos of popular business and brands, you will see their logos all share simplicity. What else is part of the magic ingredients for a catchy and successful logo?

Definitive shapes often speak to the brand or purpose of your logo but with only a little ‘real estate’ how can you make a strong impression while adhering to the simplicity guide? Symmetry and balance are wonderful tools. Even if your symmetry isn’t perfect it amplifies your statement. You can use geometric symmetry which is attractive in proportion. You can use symmetry in character size and boldness. Of course your image needs to be in some small way, a symbol.

If your business charters flight, or provides flight training, or discount tickets, wings would be perfect. Yet wings have an even greater symbolic meaning from timeliness or unbounded to the divine purpose of Hermes, messenger of the Greek gods. Just ask FTP florists. Many symbols transcend their most obvious meaning and this is another powerful element of designing your logo. We love symbols that are rooted in our past and you might wonder if some are embedded in our DNA.

Earth elements are quite powerful. How many logos draw upon sunlight, water, or growth? A leaf changing color speaks of season and rhythm while a butterfly recalls metamorphosis. The very concept of ‘casting light’ conveys bringing this subject into our experience.

With some ideas that connect with the business it’s time to hit the drawing board! I like to develop logos in After Effects but before you animate or add special effects you need to draw, you need to create your logo. In our world of digital imagery, Adobe Illustrator is among the most popular but the drawing techniques here could be applied with any.

Once you decide on a basic shape, a simple way to experiment with symmetry is the reflection tool. Choose your image, in Illustrator, be sure your image is a ‘group’ (control ‘G’), choose reflection, then enter ‘alt click’. Using the ‘alt’ key with your mouse click will produce the reflection options window instead of instantly producing a result. Here choose the orientation of your reflection and be sure to choose ‘copy’, we are creating symmetry. This will immediately produce a reflected image of your first design. It could be flowers or stars but this first step provides the added content and ‘symmetry’ of design.

Now develop contrast. Choose one of your reflected groups and rotate it a bit, or lower it’s opacity and slightly overlay the other group. Sharing the stage in this fashion adds depth and texture to your image. Slightly change the color of part of your design to create a soft contrast or if you seek a bold statement, use bold contrast. Consider images and text we’ve seen that portray the shutter of an explosion. as their multiple overlaid images and bold colors leap from the page. They announce an explosive new idea, an explosive new release, an explosive new recipe!

Finally, share. Share your imagination and ideas for your logo with a variety friends to get some nice objective feedback and different perspective. Colors, contrast, shading, balance, symmetry, and calling upon Earth’s secrets is a great start.


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