


Monday, 29 February 2016

Premiere Elements - Applying a Basic Transition

Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 was released some time back and is not the current release, but still has many features that will enable you to create great videos. I’m using this version of the software, but this guide will also work for other versions as well, with only slight differences. In this article I will be explaining how to add a simple transition to your video.

I am assuming you already know how to take the video from your camera and put it onto the computer. This guide explains where to go from here. Your camera information booklet will guide you in getting your video from your camera onto your computer.

So, firstly, open Adobe Premiere Elements and select New Project from the dialogue box that appears while the program is loading. Type in a name for the project, bearing in mind this is not necessarily the name of the DVD, just the name given to the process in creating the DVD. You will name your DVD later. Also, select which folder on your computer you would like to save the creation process in. The default is the Premiere folder, but you can select one of you own. Navigate to your desired folder and hit OK. Check all details and hit OK to begin creating your DVD.

In the top left Media box, it should already be on the Get Media tab. If not, click on the Camera icon to open the Get Media tab. If your video is already on the computer in a folder, select Files and Folders. Navigate to where the video is, then click on it and select Open or OK. Your video should now be in the Media box on the top left of your work area. If you need to get more video files, select the Camera icon again and repeat the process until all files are in Premiere. If you can’t see your files, select the Film Reel icon on the media box, this opens the list for you. Now we want to begin editing.

At the bottom of your work area is the My Project box, with a grey box asking you to drag your video here. So hover the mouse over the video file you want to place first, then click and hold the button down as you drag the file from the Media box to the My Project box at the bottom. Release the mouse button and your video should now be in the My Project box. Next, drag your second video clip onto the new available space after the first clip in the My Project box. You should now see both clips next to one another, with a small box between them. This is where your transition will go.

On the media box, select the Effects and Transitions icon, this will open a list of all available effects and transitions. Scroll down to the Video Transitions list, which should already be opened. If not, click the small white arrow next to Video Transitions, this will expand the list for you. Double click on Dissolve, or click the small white arrow next to Dissolve to open the list. Hover over Cross Dissolve with the mouse, click and hold, then drag the transition down to the My Project panel, and into the small box between your video clips. Release your mouse button, and make sure the transition is now showing in the small box.

To get an idea what the transition will look like, click the first video clip in the My Project panel, then hit Play on the Monitor window in the center. Watch as your first video fades into your second video, very professional. If you are happy with it, click create DVD and burn your creation to disk. Sit back and watch your DVD video on your player at home.


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