


Wednesday, 9 March 2016

New Learning Photoshop Techniques Revealed

Ghosting is perfect for pictures involving subjects in motion, taken when the camera and the background is stable (not moving) and the subjects move through, around, or across the frame. I have had great success using this effect when photographing people moving about an historic site or children as they scamper over rocks. I have also used this effect for weddings and sports shoots. Example: In one wedding photograph, the groom stood still at the bottom of stone steps to an historic dwelling, his hand extended towards his bride, who slowly moved down the steps toward her groom. My six deliberate ‘clicks’ of the shutter created an airy, surreal picture of the wedding couple. Depending on the speed of the moving subjects, the shutter can be held down in rapid fire mode or each exposure can be meticulously choreographed: 1) each subject deliberately positioned in the frame, 2) one ‘click’ of the shutter, and 3) repeat steps 1 and 2 to the total number of multiple exposures you set in your camera.

There are several advantages of using any of the effects for the edges on real images. One is that it reduces interference between steps or detail and the halos from other, nearby steps. Another thing, the light or dark halos make other features of the image stand out better from the background. Start doing this effect on your images using  Photoshop  by following several procedures: 1st step is duplicate the layer holding the image; 2nd step – apply the conventional unsharp mask; 3rd step – set the layer blending mode to “Darken” or “Lighten”.

 Photoshop  Brush Palette is collection of all Brush Shape Presets that allow you to create new brush, load, save or modify brush size, brush shape and brush dynamic in one single palette. The primary advantage of the Brushes palette is that you can define your own brush shapes and adjust various exciting dynamics. Whether you’re using a mouse or a pen and tablet, every tool behaves differently based on the size and shape of your cursor (the brush tip), and brush tips come in many different styles (called brush shapes, or typically just brushes). A big, round brush paints in broad strokes; a small, elliptical brush paints in thin, hairline strokes. Of course, there’s much more going on in  Photoshop  than just big, small, round, or elliptical.

You may be looking at a photo you took on your last vacation of the crystal blue waters on the ocean, but all  Photoshop  sees is a gray ocean. Did you manage to snap a picture of a rainbow arching across the sky after a summer evening storm?  Photoshop  sees it as a beautiful assortment of shades of gray. And that famous pot of gold at the end of it? To  Photoshop , it’s a big ol’ pot of gray. Don’t feel sorry for  Photoshop  though. It’s perfectly happy in its colorless world. In fact, the only reason it shows us our images in color at all is because we as human beings expect to see them in color. We wouldn’t know what to think if everything was appearing in black and white. But not  Photoshop . To it, life just couldn’t be sweeter than in black, white and gray.

Creating actions is fun and easy. All you have to have is a bunch of pictures and then record them all together, start by clicking on Record and the button below will turn red. Any action you perform in  Photoshop  will be recorded. With the Record mode on, start editing your photo. In our case, lets resize the image. Choose Image -> Image Size, enter 450 for width (or any other sizes), click Ok. Click on the record button to turn the Record mode off. Testing the action Now that you have an action recorded, lets open up another image that needs to be resize. This time, we’ll just hit the shortcut key Shift F2, or clicking on the Play selection button. You should be able to resize in just one click. To exercise the usage of  Photoshop  Actions, you can try recording more complex actions. Mastering actions will help you perform a lot of routine  Photoshop  tasks in shorter time. Have fun.

New features in  Photoshop  CS2 make it easier to composite images in multiple layers. In earlier versions it was necessary to select a required layer in the Layers palette. But now it’s possible to select multiple layers by using a marquee tool. The Show Transform Controls feature allows objects to be reshaped faster than ever before, and it works across multiple layers. Smart Guides is another innovation that makes it easier to align objects, even if they’re on different layers. People who learn on their own sometimes discover the best way to do things, but usually they discover the wrong way to do things, which causes recurring frustration and limits their ability to go on learning new things. The time and money you invest today in your  Photoshop  training will reward you in ways that you can’t even begin to imagine.

There is only two things you have too know about the ExtendScript Toolkit program right now: Select target application, ExtendScript must know which application you are writing the script for. In the top left dropdown menu select Adobe  Photoshop  CS2 and if asked if you want top start it choose yes. Running script, to run a script you have written you press the button that looks like a play button. Reference documents All objects have different properties that can be set and methods that can be executed and right now you probably don’t know any of these, this is where the reference documents come in. The reference document for JavaScript contains information about all objects available in your scripts.


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