


Saturday, 12 March 2016

Have a Facebook Sixty Second Commercial?

Have you added your sixty second commercial to your Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter social site? If you haven’t, you’re missing something. Today we need more and a little bit less. Information is not enough. You need a little face – on Facebook, a little personality and a little pitch broadcasting your own enthusiasm. There’s plenty of places to get your commercial. Everyone has a camcorder now and it’s very easy to script a little short ‘bioblog’ about what you want to share. There’s also plenty of editors.

An easy way to get your video on your site/blog, just look at YouTube. And then, of course, there’s friendly web developers who would be happy to help with a little editing if you want to go a little Hollywood. Blend sequences?   Premiere   Pro  loves it. Smooth transitions, just like the Pro’s? Nothing to it.  Premiere  Pro  and After Effects have cool transition effects not to mention many presets that do wipes, blurs, 3D tumbles, fold ups, geometric corner disappears – anything you’ve seen in movie media is probably built into AE and  Premiere  Pro . These effects are available in most visual editing packages and that’s part of the invitation: Hollywood editing is available to everyone now. So get a nice shoot.

Think about what you want to say. Cut it down to 60 seconds for the incredibly short attention span of our reigning Internet audience. Then if you like, get someone to help you edit. What will you say in your sixty seconds ? We definitely belong to the ‘less is more’ wave. Folks are in a hurry, and reading lots of other things at the same time but there is an art and practicality to crafting your message into a summary that at once boasts highlights while asking to be scanned. Be cute. In your short commercial, have fun with your service, your issue, yourself. Be current. Your service belongs to our current market demographics. Use it !

You probably appeal to a niche and you probably offer something unique. Craft a clever delivery then perhaps bounce this off your friends before making your online commitment. Your sixty second commercial is a lot of fun, a great exercise in your own evaluation, choosing what you will emphasize. Your commercial is also a great pump for your Blog, Facebook or any social site entry you have.


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