


Friday, 17 June 2016

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Fast Video Indexer

Turning still images into an actual video on your own is something that many wish they could do. It allows you to enjoy the best moments in your life on video. Fast video indexer gives you the opportunity to take advantage of this and much more. Here are five frequently asked questions about this amazing program to help you better understand it.

1. What type of video clips can be captured?

The wonderful thing about this program is that it supports almost all video formats. A basic rule of thumb is if it can be played in windows media player, it can be captured. Just know that Mpeg-2 and VOB files are supported from version 1.04. However, you still need an mpeg2 codec on your computer.

2. How do you capture screens from your movie?

In order to capture screenshots from a video, you need to have the correct direct show video codecs installed. You will want to start by trying to play the movie with Microsoft media player. If it will not play there, the program will bring you to the correct codec.

3. Where can you download video codecs?

There are several places you can go about downloading video codecs to use with Fast Video Indexer. You should start by downloading packages like XP codec pack If you are looking to play avi files, the GSpot program will help you determine the right program for you. is a great place for you to find numerous programs to identify the codec you are missing if you still need help.

4. What if the indexer crashes while indexing a movie?

If this happens while using Fast Video Indexer, you will want to try and play the movie in windows media player. If it still crashes in the media player, the problem you are facing is the codec used to play the movie. For this, you will need to download a new or different codec for the movie format.

5. How do you capture every frame of a video?

It really is a simple process to capture every frame of a video. On the options screen you want to set the start after value to 0 and the save every time to 0. After doing this, you need to go to the advanced settings and set the name by frames to 1. What this will do is allow you to capture all frames of a video as several frames will be captured each second.

Getting to know about the Fast Video Indexer allows you to see just how great of a program it really is. Take these frequently asked questions into consideration as you learn how to capture your greatest moments and make a video out of them.


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