


Saturday, 2 July 2016

Green Screen on TV - Talk Soup

‘E!’ is an entertainment television channel or a satellite TV network. ‘The Soup’ was a weekly series that was broadcasted on the network. Previously the show was called the ‘Talk Soup’ which was later remodeled and renovated to form “E!’s The Soup”.

The series shows recaps and highlights of different other televisions shows and pop culture video scenes and selects the best ones to ‘moments of the week’. The host cares to take care of the videos and clips with unique and absurd commentary and uninterrupted sarcasm. The popular comedian Joel McHale hosts the show. The show began its journey on the fourth of July in 2004 with the name “What the…? Awards” which was eventually changed to the very famous talk show The Soup.

E!’s The Soup had a green colored set with a screen at the right hand side of the host. There are various themes in the different segments of the show. At first the host introduces all the videos and clips to the viewers and the audience. Then each of the clips is played individually where he tends to comment the clips before moving on with the other videos.

The live audience is a huge support for him as it consists of the family members, friends and relatives of the video holder or the clip owner in a very small scale. The audience is truly supportive and involved in the show.

E!’s The Soup has revenant characters which consists of the dancing maxi pad, the most famous Manikin who is a bikini suit wearing man, two very unattractive person or nerds as they can be mentioned as who are dressed in Star Wars costumes.A house person or a graduate student who is often shot by the host McHale with special sound effects of a gunshot played in the synthesizer or sometimes with other instruments or sometimes just with vocal sounds.

Chewbacca’s lawyer Jewbacca, the ‘Spaghetti Cat’ who always prefer eating spaghetti with ‘The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet’ and Tom McNamara who is a new release!

E!’s The Soup has quite a few number of levels or segments like ‘Chew Stew’ which shows the clip from other talk shows with voice over by Kelly Andrews, the producer, ‘Chicks Man’ which centers on the news of female celebrities, ‘Reality Show Clip Time’, ‘Let’s take some E!’ and lastly sleeps with ‘Clip of the week’ until the same day, same channel and the same time.


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