Manually Uninstall
The most common way that people uninstall
- Click “Start“, then click onto “Control Panel“
- Locate “Add / Remove Programs” (Windows XP) or “Uninstall A Program” (Windows 7)
- When this applet loads up, select “Adobe
Photoshop CS3” from the list that appears - Click “Remove” or “Uninstall” from the list that appears
This will basically allow you to get rid of the program using the in-built method that Windows has. The only problem here is that this often leaves a lot of files, settings & options behind that either then have to be deleted manually or by using some sort of software. We recommend using a “registry cleaner” or an “uninstaller program” to get rid of the remnants of the program after you uninstall it using this manual method.
Automated Uninstall
The next step it use an automated uninstall procedure for Adobe
- Download the “Final Uninstaller” application (it has a fully functional free trial & costs $27.95 after the trial expires)
- Install this tool on your PC
- Let it scan & find the Adobe
Photoshop program you have installed - Click on the listing, and let it remove the program for you
This will basically get rid of all the parts of the program on your system, and stop it from loading up or returning to your PC again. This is highly effective as it will help you get rid of any of the possible issues that the software may cause if it’s not properly removed from your system. You can use Final Uninstaller regardless of whether you’re a beginner or an expert – allowing it to remove all the parts of the software you want to get rid of.
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